scroll down to teamup to complete your intro paperwork or to choose your membership
Drop-in sessions are £15 a session and are for visiting CrossFitters who already train at another CrossFit gym. Due to the sometimes complex nature of CrossFit classes, they are not designed as a trial session.
If you are a visiting CrossFitter and would like to book a drop-in session, please message us to arrange it. We can also arrange weekly or short-term memberships if you are visiting the area for a while.
Quiet Classes are sessions for those who struggle with anxiety, sensory issues or for whatever reason just need to be in a smaller group with less noise. The sessions don’t have loud music, you are not allowed to drop barbells, you may wear headphones and the sessions are limited to no more than 12.
If you would like to speak to our kid’s coach, Maggie, please message her for more details on teens’, Junior Heroes or Home-Ed Heroes.
A Note about the General Data Protection Regulation laws
Teamup acts as our customer interface platform and they are responsible for all the data passing through the system.
As such, they ensure the principles of GDPR are upheld (transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, confidentiality and accountability).
On top of this, The Paleo Gym, CrossFit Uckfield only take personal information that is necessary to ensure your safety. We need to know if you have any physical issues, injuries, illnesses or medication requirements that might affect your training. We need to know your age as it impacts on the way we might scale workouts and we need to know your address and an emergency contact. The owners of the gym are the only people with the passwords able to access this information. In order to keep personal data up to date, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible of any changes to your address, personal circumstances, injuries, illnesses or medication.
Any paper copies of personal data that have been kept (for example health questionnaires completed before we introduced Teamup or paper copies for visiting CrossFitters) are kept in a secure filing cabinet. The owners of the gym are the only ones with keys.