As human beings, we strive for internal consistency, a mental homeostasis, if you like, and when the universe messes with that (like introducing a global pandemic to planet Earth and forcing us all out of our regular routines) we become psychologically uncomfortable…
Read MoreI needed to be told to toughen up, to stop feeling sorry for myself, to take control and do something! This is not popular advice for people suffering from depression - I know - and actually probably not helpful to hear if you are depressed but it is genuinely what I, personally, needed to do.
Read MoreTreat the next six months as an opportunity to become a better person. Better people make better athletes.
Read MoreIf there’s one thing the Open teaches me year after year it’s this: every year, even though I see new strengths, I still have weaknesses.
Read MoreIt has taught me so much about myself and for the longest time, it has only seemed to teach me negative things about myself, like how intrinsically lazy I am, what a slow learner I am, how mentally weak I am, how scared I am of everything, how great I am at avoiding things and putting them off - the list goes on, it really does.
Read MoreThe CrossFit Open is an annual, global competition that anyone can enter. Generally you do it at your own CrossFit gym and each person is judged to make sure they adhere to the standards for that workout and you enter your scores on a global database, comparing yourself with thousands of like-minded people across your gym, country, region and the world.
Read MoreNew Year’s Eve can feel like an exhilarating cleansing ritual; a chance to get rid of all that is negative about you, all the bad, all the rubbish from last year; an opportunity to start afresh with a clean, perfect, blank sheet; a new year, a new you.
Read MoreI you’re not getting the results you want or believe you should be getting from your training, take a look at this list of potential pitfalls and make 2019 the year you do CrossFit right!
Read MoreCrossFit gives you an opportunity every day to … confront your negative voices and to fail and try again a critical but non-judgemental space. .... It’s pretty brutal and unflinchingly honest and just what we need in this super-soft, safe, 21st century world to develop resilience.
Read MoreCrossFit makes me proud of my gender. It promotes such a positive attitude towards female fitness. It’s not about being thin, or having a Kardashian bum, its about being a stronger version of your best self.
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